Saturday, May 22, 2010

The end of many milestones in May~

The whole spring was wet and cold here in Kansas. It's seemed long and non-ending at times, we have even burned wood in the month of May. It was cold and damp and we could have turned on the furnace, but we have a fireplace that we love and so we had a few fires to take the chill off. It seemed strange to have them when we moved south almost 5 years ago to get out of the cold and now we are burning wood in May.. But hey, one does what one must.

Many things have ended in May, College classes for me are done this semester. It was a semester of the largest number of credit hours I have taken since I started back to college and work full time. I struggled at times this semester with too much work and wanting to get A's.. So the family has had to do with out me, or make do with less of me. Going to church was out the became at day for homework and housework to get done to survive the next week. One day rolled into another with little less than a few hours of sleep. I survied and they survived and I got the 5 "A's" that I wanted from the classes that I took. It all starts again in 2 weeks with 11 credit hours this summer and only part time work in June for me. So that will seem easy.. I sure hope~

Brian is done with 9th grade. He also managed to make good grades with A-B honor roll the whole year. And he's working alot of weekends to build fence or to assist the local farmer. He's taller than me and I'm not sure I'm ready for him to be so grown up...

Ann's done with 7th grade and she's also on the A-B honor roll all year. She's ready for the last step of middle school and excited about the fall cheerleading for football and basketball and playing some volleyball.. (another reason for me to have fewer classes this fall)

I'm also done with my 5th year in the most awesome room with the best co-workers and by far the greatest Preschool kids. I love my job and can't wait for each school year to begin again. Summer school will be fun with many new challenges and new adults to train and fun activities to work on.

May also marks what I hope is the middle of Derek's deployment. He's scheduled to be home soon for R and R and that is a HUGE relief for us. This is the 3rd year of a child in a war zone and I'm about DONE with that~

Casey is doing great and having a super time in Bragg. We hope to see him over Memorial day in Indiana.

May is a super month we are Thankful for the many rains and now glad to see them end. We are glad that May brings good things for our family. God is good to us and we appreciate that God watches out for us no matter what we do~

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